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YUI Library Examples: Node: NodeList

Node: NodeList

This example demonstrates how to use a NodeList instance to work with multiple nodes.

  • lorem
  • ispum
  • dolor
  • sit

Setting up the Node

First we need some HTML to work with.

  1. <ul id="demo">
  2. <li>lorem</li>
  3. <li>ispum</li>
  4. <li>dolor</li>
  5. <li>sit</li>
  6. </ul>
<ul id="demo">

Geting a NodeList Instance

We will use the all method of our YUI instance to get a NodeList instance to work with.

  1. var nodes = Y.all('#demo li');
var nodes = Y.all('#demo li');

Accessing NodeList Properties

As with Node, simple type of properties (strings, numbers, booleans) pass directly to/from the underlying HTMLElement, however properties representing HTMLElements return Node instances.

In this example, we will listen for a click event to trigger the property change.

Note that the context of the handler is set to the NodeList, so this refers to our NodeList instnace. The currentTarget property of the event object is set to the current Node instance.

  1. var onClick = function(e) {
  2. this.setContent('thanks from all of us!'); // this === nodes
  3. e.currentTarget.setStyle('backgroundColor', 'green'); // e.currentTarget === #demo li
  4. };
var onClick = function(e) {
    this.setContent('thanks from all of us!'); // this === nodes
    e.currentTarget.setStyle('backgroundColor', 'green'); // e.currentTarget === #demo li

Full Script Source

  1. <script type="text/javascript">
  2. YUI().use('node', function(Y) {
  3. var nodes = Y.all('#demo li');
  5. var onClick = function(e) {
  6. this.setContent('thanks from all of us!'); // this === nodes
  7. e.currentTarget.setStyle('backgroundColor', 'green'); // e.currentTarget === #demo li
  8. };
  10. nodes.on('click', onClick);
  11. });
  12. </script>
<script type="text/javascript">
YUI().use('node', function(Y) {
    var nodes = Y.all('#demo li');
    var onClick = function(e) {
        this.setContent('thanks from all of us!'); // this === nodes
        e.currentTarget.setStyle('backgroundColor', 'green'); // e.currentTarget === #demo li
    nodes.on('click', onClick);

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