Cookie: Simple Cookie Example
This example shows basic usage of the YUI Cookie utility. The example checks the value of a cookie and then sets it to a new value.
Simple Cookie Example
This example begins by getting the value of a cookie named "example". If this is the first time you've run
the example, the value should be null
var currentValue = Y.Cookie.get("example");
var currentValue = Y.Cookie.get("example");
This value is output in an alert. Next, the cooke is set to a random value:
var newValue = "yui" + Math.round(Math.random() * Math.PI); Y.Cookie.set("example", newValue);
var newValue = "yui" + Math.round(Math.random() * Math.PI); Y.Cookie.set("example", newValue);
When you reload the page, the value of the cookie should be the one that was just set.
Note: this example uses session cookies, so the value will be lost if you close the browser.