Cookie: Advanced Cookie Example
This example shows how to get, set, and remove cookies using the YUI Cookie utility.
Click the buttons to interact with the cookie:
Advanced Cookie Example
This example consists of three buttons, each of which performs one of the basic cookie functions: getting a value, setting a value, and removing a value. The first button, "Get Value", retrieves the value of a cookie and displays it in an alert:
Y.Node.get("#yui-cookie-btn1").on("click", function(){ var value = Y.Cookie.get("example"); alert(value); Y.log("Cookie 'example' has a value of '" + value + "'"); });
Y.Node.get("#yui-cookie-btn1").on("click", function(){ var value = Y.Cookie.get("example"); alert(value); Y.log("Cookie 'example' has a value of '" + value + "'"); });
The second button, "Set Random Value", creates a random value and sets the cookie's value equal to it:
Y.Node.get("#yui-cookie-btn2").on("click", function(){ var newValue = "yui" + Math.round(Math.random() * Math.PI * 1000); Y.Cookie.set("example", newValue); Y.log("Set cookie 'example' to '" + newValue + "'"); });
Y.Node.get("#yui-cookie-btn2").on("click", function(){ var newValue = "yui" + Math.round(Math.random() * Math.PI * 1000); Y.Cookie.set("example", newValue); Y.log("Set cookie 'example' to '" + newValue + "'"); });
After clicking this button, you can go back and click "Get Value" to see the new value that was assigned to the cookie (you can also check the logger output).
The third button, "Remove Value", completely removes the cookie from the page:
Y.Node.get("#yui-cookie-btn3").on("click", function(){ Y.Cookie.remove("example"); Y.log("Removed cookie 'example'."); });
Y.Node.get("#yui-cookie-btn3").on("click", function(){ Y.Cookie.remove("example"); Y.log("Removed cookie 'example'."); });
When this button is clicked, it removes the cookie. If "Get Value" is clicked immediately afterwards, the
value should be null