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YUI Library Examples: DataSource Utility: DataSource with Polling

DataSource Utility: DataSource with Polling

DataSource's Pollable extension enables polling functionality on all your DataSource instances.
Poll every second for current time:

Include the datasource-pollable extension in your Y.use() statement to add the setInterval(), clearInterval(), and clearAllInterval() methods to all your DataSource instances.

  1. YUI().use("datasource-function", "datasource-polling", function(Y) {
  2. var myFunction = function() {
  3. return new Date();
  4. },
  5. myDataSource = new Y.DataSource.Function({source:myFunction}),
  6. callback = {
  7. success: function(e){
  8. alert("At the tone the time will be: " + e.response.results[0]);
  9. },
  10. failure: function(e){
  11. alert("Could not retrieve data: " + e.error.message);
  12. }
  13. },
  14. id = myDataSource.setInterval(1000, null,callback); // Starts polling
  16. myDataSource.clearInterval(id); // Ends polling
  17. });
YUI().use("datasource-function", "datasource-polling", function(Y) {
    var myFunction = function() {
            return new Date();
        myDataSource = new Y.DataSource.Function({source:myFunction}),
        callback = {
            success: function(e){
                alert("At the tone the time will be: " + e.response.results[0]);
            failure: function(e){
                alert("Could not retrieve data: " + e.error.message);
        id = myDataSource.setInterval(1000, null,callback); // Starts polling
        myDataSource.clearInterval(id); // Ends polling

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