Yahoo! UI Library

yui  3.0.0

Yahoo! UI Library > yui > config

static Class config

The config object contains all of the configuration options for the YUI instance. This object is supplied by the implementer when instantiating a YUI instance. Some properties have default values if they are not supplied by the implementer.


base - string

Base directory for dynamic loading

bootstrap - boolean

Allows the YUI seed file to fetch the loader component and library metadata to dynamically load additional dependencies.
Default Value: true

charset - string

charset for dynamic nodes
Deprecated: use jsAttributes cssAttributes

combine - boolean

Use the YUI combo service to reduce the number of http connections required to load your dependencies. For dynamic loading.
Default Value: true if 'base' is not supplied, false if it is.

comboBase - string

The YUI combo service base dir. Ex: For dynamic loading.

core - string[]

A list of modules that defines the YUI core (overrides the default).

cssAttributes - string

Object literal containing attributes to add to dynamically loaded link nodes.

dateFormat - string

The default date format

doc - Document

The document associated with the 'win' configuration.
Default Value: the document hosting YUI

fetchCSS - object

Specifies whether or not YUI().use(...) will attempt to load CSS resources at all. Any truthy value will cause CSS dependencies to load when fetching script. The special value 'force' will cause CSS dependencies to be loaded even if no script is needed.
Default Value: true

filter - string|object

A filter to apply to result urls. This filter will modify the default path for all modules. The default path for the YUI library is the minified version of the files (e.g., event-min.js). The filter property can be a predefined filter or a custom filter. The valid predefined filters are:
Selects the debug versions of the library (e.g., event-debug.js). This option will automatically include the Logger widget
Selects the non-minified version of the library (e.g., event.js).
You can also define a custom filter, which must be an object literal containing a search expression and a replace string:
myFilter: { 
'searchExp': "-min\\.js", 
'replaceStr': "-debug.js"
For dynamic loading.

filters - object

Hash of per-component filter specification. If specified for a given component, this overrides the filter config For dynamic loading.

force - string[]

A list of modules that should always be loaded when required, even if already present on the page.

ignore - string[]

A list of modules that should never be dynamically loaded

injected - object

Set to true if the yui seed file was dynamically loaded in order to bootstrap components relying on the window load event and the 'domready' custom event.

insertBefore - string

Node or id for a node that should be used as the insertion point for new nodes For dynamic loading.

jsAttributes - string

Object literal containing attributes to add to dynamically loaded script nodes.

loaderPath - object

The loader 'path' attribute to the loader itself. This is combined with the 'base' attribute to dynamically load the loader component when boostrapping with the get utility alone.
Default Value: loader/loader-min.js

locale - string

The default locale

logExclude - object

A hash of log sources that should be not be logged. If specified, all sources are logged if not on this list.

logInclude - object

A hash of log sources that should be logged. If specified, only log messages from these sources will be logged.

modules - function

A list of module definitions to add to the list of YUI components. These components can then be dynamically loaded side by side with YUI via the use() method.See Loader.addModule for the supported module metadata.

onCSS - function

Callback for the 'CSSComplete' event. When dynamically loading YUI components with CSS, this property fires when the CSS is finished loading but script loading is still ongoing. This provides an opportunity to enhance the presentation of a loading page a little bit before the entire loading process is done.

pollInterval - int

The default interval when polling in milliseconds.
Default Value: 20

purgethreshold - int

The number of dynamic nodes to insert by default before automatically removing them. This applies to script nodes because remove the node will not make the evaluated script unavailable. Dynamic CSS is not auto purged, because removing a linked style sheet will also remove the style definitions.
Default Value: 20

root - string

The root path to prepend to module names for the combo service. Ex: 3.0.0b1/build/ For dynamic loading.

secureBase - string

The secure base dir (not implemented) For dynamic loading.

throwFail - boolean

If throwFail is set, will generate or re-throw a JS Error. Otherwise the failure is logged.
Default Value: true

timeout - int

Number of milliseconds before a timeout occurs when dynamically loading nodes. If not set, there is no timeout.

useBrowserConsole - boolean

Log to the browser console if debug is on and the browser has a supported console.
Default Value: true

win - Window

The window/frame that this instance should operate in.
Default Value: the window hosting YUI

windowResizeDelay - int

The default interval when polling in milliseconds.
Default Value: 40

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