Yahoo! UI Library

dom  3.0.0

Yahoo! UI Library > dom > Selector

static Class Selector

Provides support for using CSS selectors to query the DOM


operators - object

List of operators and corresponding boolean functions. These functions are passed the attribute and the current node's value of the attribute.

PARENT_NODE - object

Provides helper methods for collecting and filtering DOM elements.

shorthand - object

Mapping of shorthand tokens to corresponding attribute selector



void _tokenize ( )
Break selector into token units per simple selector. Combinator is attached to the previous token.


Boolean inRegion ( all , altRegion )
Check if any part of this node is in the passed region
all <Object} node2 The node to get the region from or an Object literal of the region $param {Boolean> Should all of the node be inside the region
altRegion <Object> An object literal containing the region for this node if we already have the data (for performance i.e. DragDrop)
Returns: Boolean
True if in region, false if not.


Object intersect ( element , element2 , altRegion )
Find the intersect information for the passes nodes.
element <HTMLElement> The first element
element2 <HTMLElement | Object> The element or region to check the interect with
altRegion <Object> An object literal containing the region for the first element if we already have the data (for performance i.e. DragDrop)
Returns: Object
Object literal containing the following intersection data: (top, right, bottom, left, area, yoff, xoff, inRegion)


Boolean inViewportRegion ( element , all , altRegion )
Check if any part of this element is in the viewport
element <HTMLElement> The DOM element.
all <Boolean> Should all of the node be inside the region
altRegion <Object> An object literal containing the region for this node if we already have the data (for performance i.e. DragDrop)
Returns: Boolean
True if in region, false if not.


static Array query ( selector , root , firstOnly )
Retrieves a set of nodes based on a given CSS selector.
selector <string> The CSS Selector to test the node against.
root <HTMLElement> optional An HTMLElement to start the query from. Defaults to Y.config.doc
firstOnly <Boolean> optional Whether or not to return only the first match.
Returns: Array
An array of nodes that match the given selector.


Object region ( element )
Returns an Object literal containing the following about this element: (top, right, bottom, left)
element <HTMLElement> The DOM element.
Returns: Object
Object literal containing the following about this element: (top, right, bottom, left)


Object viewportRegion ( )
Returns an Object literal containing the following about the visible region of viewport: (top, right, bottom, left)
Returns: Object
Object literal containing the following about the visible region of the viewport: (top, right, bottom, left)

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