Yahoo! UI Library

datatype  3.0.0

Yahoo! UI Library > datatype > DataType.Date.Locale

static Class DataType.Date.Locale

The Date.Locale class is a container for all localised date strings used by Y.DataType.Date. It is used internally, but may be extended to provide new date localisations. To create your own Locale, follow these steps:
  1. Find an existing locale that matches closely with your needs
  2. Use this as your base class. Use Y.DataType.Date.Locale["en"] if nothing matches.
  3. Create your own class as an extension of the base class using Y.merge, and add your own localisations where needed.
See the Y.DataType.Date.Locale["en-US"] and Y.DataType.Date.Locale["en-GB"] classes which extend Y.DataType.Date.Locale["en"]. For example, to implement locales for French french and Canadian french, we would do the following:
  1. For French french, we have no existing similar locale, so use Y.DataType.Date.Locale["en"] as the base, and extend it:
    Y.DataType.Date.Locale["fr"] = Y.merge(Y.DataType.Date.Locale, {
    a: ["dim", "lun", "mar", "mer", "jeu", "ven", "sam"],
    A: ["dimanche", "lundi", "mardi", "mercredi", "jeudi", "vendredi", "samedi"],
    b: ["jan", "fév", "mar", "avr", "mai", "jun", "jui", "aoû", "sep", "oct", "nov", "déc"],
    B: ["janvier", "février", "mars", "avril", "mai", "juin", "juillet", "août", "septembre", "octobre", "novembre", "décembre"],
    c: "%a %d %b %Y %T %Z",
    p: ["", ""],
    P: ["", ""],
    x: "%d.%m.%Y",
    X: "%T"
  2. For Canadian french, we start with French french and change the meaning of \%x:
    Y.DataType.Date.Locale["fr-CA"] = Y.merge(Y.DataType.Date.Locale["fr"], {
    x: "%Y-%m-%d"
With that, you can use your new locales:
var d = new Date("2008/04/22");
Y.DataType.Date.format(d, { format: "%A, %d %B == %x", locale: "fr" });
will return:
mardi, 22 avril == 22.04.2008
Y.DataType.Date.format(d, {format: "%A, %d %B == %x", locale: "fr-CA" });
Will return:
mardi, 22 avril == 2008-04-22

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