Yahoo! UI Library

datasource  3.0.0

Yahoo! UI Library > datasource > DataSourceXMLSchema

Class DataSourceXMLSchema - extends Plugin.Base

Adds schema-parsing to the DataSource Utility.


NAME - static final String

Class name.

NS - static final String

The namespace for the plugin. This will be the property on the host which references the plugin instance.

Properties inherited from Attribute:

Properties inherited from Base:

Properties inherited from Plugin.Base:


tId (Number)
Unique transaction ID.
request (Object)
The request.
callback (Object)
The callback object with the following properties:
success (Function)
Success handler.
failure (Function)
Failure handler.
data (Object)
Raw data.

protected void _beforeDefDataFn
tId (Number)
Unique transaction ID.
request (Object)
The request.
callback (Object)
The callback object with the following properties:
success (Function)
Success handler.
failure (Function)
Failure handler.
data (Object)
Raw data.
( )
Parses raw data into a normalized response.


private void initializer ( config )
Internal init() handler.
config <Object> Config object.

Methods inherited from Plugin.Base:

Events inherited from Base:

Events inherited from Plugin.Base:

Configuration attributes inherited from Base:

Configuration attributes inherited from Plugin.Base:


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