Yahoo! UI Library

classnamemanager  3.0.0

Yahoo! UI Library > classnamemanager > ClassNameManager

static Class ClassNameManager

A singleton class providing:
  • Easy creation of prefixed class names
  • Caching of previously created class names for improved performance.


Y.config.classNameDelimiter - static {String}

Configuration property indicating the delimiter used to compose all CSS class names in this YUI instance.
Default Value: "-"

Y.config.classNamePrefix - static {String}

Configuration property indicating the prefix for all CSS class names in this YUI instance.
Default Value: "yui"



void getClassName ( + )
Returns a class name prefixed with the the value of the Y.config.classNamePrefix attribute + the provided strings. Uses the Y.config.classNameDelimiter attribute to delimit the provided strings. E.g. Y.ClassNameManager.getClassName('foo','bar'); // yui-foo-bar
+ <String> one or more classname bits to be joined and prefixed

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