This AutoComplete implementation points to a JavaScript array that is available in-memory, allowing for a zippy user interaction without the need for a server-side component. The data consists of an account name, and an account number. The AutoComplete allows the user to search by name, but by subscribing to the itemSelectEvent Custom Event, populates a hidden form field with the ID, which the server would need for processing the hypothetical submission.
1 | YAHOO.example.Data.accounts: [ |
2 | {name: "ABC Company", id: 57367 }, |
3 | {name: "Acme Supply Company", id: 84377}, |
4 | {name: "Avery Widgets", id: 73678}, |
5 | {name: "AAA International", id: 73675}, |
6 | {name: "Atlantic Brothers, Inc", id: 83757}, |
7 | {name: "Ace Products", id: 48588}, |
8 | {name: "Above Average, Ltd", id: 75968} |
9 | ]; |
view plain | print | ? |
1 | #myAutoComplete { |
2 | width:15em; /* set width here or else widget will expand to fit its container */ |
3 | padding-bottom:2em; |
4 | } |
5 | #mySubmit { |
6 | position:absolute; left:15em; margin-left:1em; /* place the button next to the input */ |
7 | } |
view plain | print | ? |
1 | <form id="myForm" action="#"> |
2 | <label for="myInput">Find a company in the accounts database:</label> |
3 | <div id="myAutoComplete"> |
4 | <input id="myInput" type="text"><input id="mySubmit" type="submit" value="Submit"> |
5 | <div id="myContainer"></div> |
6 | </div> |
7 | <input id="myHidden" type="hidden"> |
8 | </form> |
view plain | print | ? |
1 | YAHOO.example.ItemSelectHandler = function() { |
2 | // Use a LocalDataSource |
3 | var oDS = new YAHOO.util.LocalDataSource(YAHOO.example.Data.accounts); |
4 | oDS.responseSchema = {fields : ["name", "id"]}; |
5 | |
6 | // Instantiate the AutoComplete |
7 | var oAC = new YAHOO.widget.AutoComplete("myInput", "myContainer", oDS); |
8 | oAC.resultTypeList = false; |
9 | |
10 | // Define an event handler to populate a hidden form field |
11 | // when an item gets selected |
12 | var myHiddenField = YAHOO.util.Dom.get("myHidden"); |
13 | var myHandler = function(sType, aArgs) { |
14 | var myAC = aArgs[0]; // reference back to the AC instance |
15 | var elLI = aArgs[1]; // reference to the selected LI element |
16 | var oData = aArgs[2]; // object literal of selected item's result data |
17 | |
18 | // update hidden form field with the selected item's ID |
19 | myHiddenField.value =; |
20 | }; |
21 | oAC.itemSelectEvent.subscribe(myHandler); |
22 | |
23 | // Rather than submit the form, |
24 | // alert the stored ID instead |
25 | var onFormSubmit = function(e, myForm) { |
26 | YAHOO.util.Event.preventDefault(e); |
27 | alert("Company ID: " + myHiddenField.value); |
28 | }; |
29 | YAHOO.util.Event.addListener(YAHOO.util.Dom.get("myForm"), "submit", onFormSubmit); |
30 | |
31 | return { |
32 | oDS: oDS, |
33 | oAC: oAC |
34 | }; |
35 | }(); |
view plain | print | ? |
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Note: Logging and debugging is currently turned off for this example.
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