Yahoo! UI Library

node  3.0.0

Yahoo! UI Library > node > node-ie.js (source view)
if (!document.documentElement.hasAttribute) { // IE < 8
    Y.Node.prototype.hasAttribute = function(attr) {
        return Y.DOM.getAttribute(this._node, attr) !== '';

// IE throws error when setting input.type = 'hidden',
// input.setAttribute('type', 'hidden') and input.attributes.type.value = 'hidden'
Y.Node.ATTRS.type = {
    setter: function(val) {
        if (val === 'hidden') {
            try {
                this._node.type = 'hidden';
            } catch(e) {
                this.setStyle('display', 'none');
                this._inputType = 'hidden';
        } else {
            try { // IE errors when changing the type from "hidden'
                this._node.type = val;
            } catch (e) {
                Y.log('error setting type: ' + val, 'info', 'node');
        return val;

    getter: function() {
        return this._inputType || this._node.type;

    _bypassProxy: true // don't update DOM when using with Attribute

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